WHAT: Prime Minister’s Ten Point Agenda on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
WHY: Disaster Management is a crucial aspect of the UPSC CSE syllabus. It is a part of the syllabus for the UPSC CSE exam.
1. Imbibing Principles of Disaster Risk Management in Development Sectors
- Development and disasters are interlinked.
- Proper planning can mitigate disaster risks, whereas lack of planning can exacerbate them.
- Disaster risk reduction (DRR) must be integrated into all development schemes.
- Aim: Ensure development reduces disaster risks instead of creating them.
2. Inclusive Risk Coverage
- Disasters cause loss of life and property, and survivors face rehabilitation challenges.
- Risk coverage should extend from poor households to SMEs and multinational corporations.
- Actions:
- Develop disaster insurance for homeowners in disaster-prone areas.
- Create parametric insurance for weather and climate-related disasters.
- Insurance products for major infrastructure projects.
- Government initiatives like Jan Dhan Yojana, Suraksha Bima Yojana, and Fasal Bima Yojana focus on financial inclusion and risk insurance for the poor.
3. Women’s Leadership in Disaster Risk Management
- Encourage women’s leadership and involvement in DRR.
- Women, often vulnerable to disasters, can significantly contribute to disaster risk reduction at various levels.
- Actions:
- Increase women volunteers in post-disaster reconstruction.
- Promote women’s self-help groups for livelihood recovery.
- Include women in NDRF and SDRF.
- Train elected women representatives at the local level.
4. Global Risk Mapping and Understanding
- Disasters transcend boundaries, affecting multiple countries.
- A global understanding of disaster risks through multi-hazard risk assessments is essential.
- Develop standardized risk maps to facilitate DRR globally.
5. Leveraging Technology for DRR
- Use technology to enhance disaster risk management efficiency.
- Actions:
- Utilize platforms like India Disaster Resources Network (IDRN) for resource planning.
- Create e-platforms for mapping expertise and resources in disaster response.
- Improve early warning systems using advanced technology.
6. Network of Universities for Disaster Research
- Establish a network of universities to focus on disaster-related issues.
- Encourage specialized, multi-disciplinary research relevant to regional disaster risks.
7. Utilizing Social Media and Mobile Technologies
- Leverage social media and mobile technologies for effective DRR.
- Develop a social media strategy to enhance disaster response.
- Social media aids in organizing response agencies and facilitates citizen-authority communication.
8. Building Local Capacity for DRR
- DRR efforts must capitalize on local capabilities and initiatives.
- Local actions tailored to specific needs can significantly reduce disaster risks.
- Utilize traditional practices and indigenous knowledge in DRR efforts.
9. Learning from Disasters
- Ensure lessons are learned from every disaster.
- Conduct research studies post-disaster to improve policies and governance.
10. International Cohesion in Disaster Response
- Disasters often require a coordinated international response.
- Pre-disaster planning and international cooperation are key to effective disaster management.
- Use international forums and protocols for coordinated disaster response.